Please DO NOT bring your own firewood. We have many species of trees on the property that are prone to invasive insects. Teepees by the River follows the guidelines set forth by the US Forest Service and Nature Conservancy.
Firewood can be purchased on-site for $7 per Bundle. You can also purchase it at your time of booking and pick it up when you arrive. We have bundles of kindling and split logs. Please note: All firewood sales are final. There are no refunds for unused firewood.
Invasive pests can burrow into trees that then become firewood. When the firewood moves, the pests move with it as a pathway—without the transporter knowing—to uninfested areas. Untreated firewood can also harbor other types of insects and diseases that can greatly harm trees and shrubs. Remember to source your firewood locally! Most invasive insects only can travel a few miles on their own. but can be moved hundreds of miles in or on firewood.